The good old Point of View argument. Which is better? Which do more editors prefer? How do I know what to use when?
I actually did a video on this subject on my YouTube page (which I will now shamelessly link HERE), and you can click here to see it.
Long story short - it's all personal preference.
If there's a character that's important to the story, but is no where near your main character through most of the novel and we need to know their thoughts or whatever - write in third person omniscient. Otherwise this character is going to come out of left field and we're not going to understand anything about them.
Now say there's a character that's important to the story, but is near your character. *You Choose* In all honesty, it's all about how much you want your reader to know. If you want them to know what the character does after he gets away from your character - but not his thoughts and feelings, use third person limited. If you just want us to know what your character knows and only see what they see - write in first person.
Then there's second person. Which is like a manual or a how to. There are not many books that are written in such a way - but they are out there. Teachers don't really ever teach it, because it's rare. I've never really bothered to look into it, but I've had comments saying that it's basically "You ___________" like "You replace Hanna's brain with Brent's." *bad example - but funny.*
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