As we are writers and as the writing personality goes, we LOVE feedback! We love seeing new emails in our inboxes. We've tried to have a feedback box before, but that didn't turn out so well due to the fact that not many people could actually use it. That and only one person has.
However, we now have an email address where you can send us your suggestions for posts, a certain thing that's been bothering you (writing related, we don't need to hear about your relationship status and issues there), feedback on the site, problems with the site, suggestions for the site, and if/when contests get back up and running, your contest entries! Or if you just wanna drop us a line to tell us how your writing's going and if this site is at all helping you. Whether we're actually helping you become a better writer or if by us allowing you to discuss with other writers what's on your mind it's a venting thing, we still love to hear it!
Our email:
Please note the double 'd's in there.
Translation of email address (if you need it) 2t1ddreamers (at) gmail (dot) com
2= Two
t = Teens
1 = One
d = Dream
dreamers = what followers of 2T1D are called!
Respectfully yours,
Hanna and Charlie
New Fiction and Upcoming Appearances!
5 months ago