Sunday, December 26, 2010
Writing and getting started (kind of)
I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking a lot about lately: Actually getting started writing after you've been playing with an idea in your head (and, you know, have written it down and everything). This, to me, is seeming like a hard step in the writing process of a project I really want to start. It's a very personal project, that I haven't totally gotten okay-ed, but I do want to write it because I feel that it will help me, personally. However, this project has several thoughts and feelings that I personally experienced and revisiting those thoughts and feelings scares the crap out of me - and I think that's why I'm having a hard time actually starting it. However, I don't want to start it until it has been okay-ed, but I know that that approval might not come for a while, and even then, it might not be a "yes". Which would totally suck, but I would take it.
So that probably made absolutely no sense to you because I even confused myself a little bit there. But I guess what I'm trying (and probably failing) to say is that getting and idea is 'easy', playing with it in your head is easy and figuring out where you might go with it is easy - but when you sit down to start writing it or, in my case, when I think about sitting down to start writing it, it gets harder. Because that's when it becomes real. It's when this idea in your head that you might do something with someday becomes this actual piece of work that is coming solely from your imagination and fingertips. And that's scary because if something is not turning out the way you want it to or it's not sounding the way you want it to or it's not flowing the way you want it to you, you blame yourself because you're the only one with influence on it. And, as a writer, I think that we sometimes use this as an excuse to never start writing - fear can be a powerful thing, but only when we let it.
I'm really losing where I'm going with all of this. It used to be so easy to just put to words exactly what's on my mind, but now it's hard. Guess I've been out of the practice too long. Which is another reason I really want to start writing the other project. I can't get back to SOLACE just yet - not to mention I'm not sure if it would transfer over to this computer or not.
Since I've just wasted your time, I'm going to let you go now.
Posted by Hanna at 2:05 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
My big, long Thanksgiving post is on my other blog ( if you're interested in reading it.
I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving and to remind you to remember what you're thankful for. This Thanksgiving is going to be an extremely difficult one for my family and myself, but I still realize how much I have to be thankful for.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and good luck on Black Friday!
Posted by Hanna at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Dear Readers
I again must apologize for my absence. It has been very hard to keep up with the blogging world due to the fact that there's really not been much going on. And what has been going through my mind and what I've been feeling is too personal for me to share not necessarily with you guys, but to post on the Internet where anybody could potentially read it. It's been a hard 59 days and I don't see it really getting any easier. However I would really like to get back in touch with a lot of you and also get this blog back up. Really, this blog hasn't been what we set out for it to be since Charlie went to England.
So I really want to know the answer to a few things. First of all, are you guys even still checking this blog? Or reading it? Or do you even remember that it exists?
Secondly, do you guys want to see the blog come back and be the out-let forum type thing it has been in the past?
Thirdly, what do you guys want to hear about? I've been out of writing for (like I said) 59 days, and I'm obviously not at the same point in my writing as you all are or could be. So I'd really like to know what you guys have questions about or you just want to discuss. Just please, don't suggest anything associated with the military, the war in Afghanistan, or the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Thanks.
Finally, are any of you doing NaNoWriMo? And if you are, have you done it before? If this is your first time, do you think you'll be able to do it or are you completely overwhelmed? Do you know what it is?
I hope to hear from you all soon. Please don't overlook our CONTACT US page where you can email any suggestions or pieces or whatever. I was kinda thinking if you write something and you want people to read it and you don't mind it being posted on the Internet, if you email it to us via our contact address, (considering content, of course) we could post it on the blog and allow readers to give you feedback.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe Halloween - Remember, dress in light/bright colors, not black if it gets dark early where you are! Cars can't always see you! (And, no, there's nothing wrong with going trick-or-treating. My great-grandma did until she couldn't get out of the house anymore.)
Posted by Hanna at 6:34 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Falling in and out of love...with a novel
I have a very important question on writing. I recently haven't found much time at all(as usual I suppose.)to work on my book. There are times when I feel my book is getting kind of bland, but I just want to skip all the talking and blah stuff to just get to the action, magic, and drama! What can I do to fall back in love with my story?
Finding the time to write, first of all, is harder and harder as you go through school - I knew that in Jr High and now in high school, I realize it even more. With that said, writing can be frustrating when you're A: too tired to write B: you're not inspired to write, but feel you really need to and C: when you finally think you're going to write and your computer randomly dies and won't turn back on.
Thinking that your book is bland is completely normal - everyone has those feelings that "my book isn't as good as John Verdon's or John Green's. They just have something that I don't." *there's nothing blah about dialogue - though, Corey, it's my favorite part, really.* However, sometimes skipping unimportant descriptions (or as I call them "filler sections") is acceptable. Just insert a page-break or begin a new chapter with action or use the ***'s to symbolize time has passed.
As for falling back in love with your story...I'm not exactly sure what to say to you here, because right now I'm in the same boat. I've kinda disliked my story at certain times, but I've never been so out of love with it as I am at the moment. But the difference between you and me is that I know why I fell out of love with it, to me, it seems you don't really. Usually when someone says they fell out of love with someone, when they realize why, they have peace-of-mind or sometimes they can even work it out because they realize where the faults were. I know that at the moment I can't even pull up my novel because of the fact that I started writing "for" my cousin, Jimmy, whom was recently killed in Afghanistan. In my novel, Jim is basically a character - Hallie's cousin in the Army - and he comes home in one of the books. I can't stand the thought of writing what was supposed to happen, or what I wanted to happen, with Jim when I know it never will. Not to mention that Hallie has a recurring dream that Jackson (Jim) is being ambushed in Iraq (which will probably be changed to Afghanistan) and that he...dies in her arms. I don't think I could even stand to look at the scene, read it, think about it, or anything. So I'm kind of put-out with the story right now. I think - I hope - in time I will be able to look at it again, but that's a thing that's always going to have an open wound in my heart and each time I have to read, write, or think about Jackson is going to be like I'm pouring salt water in it.
So, in your case I just ask you to think about why you started writing your novel, why you've kept with it for any amount of time, and why you used to love your characters and story basis - after all, you couldn't have fallen out of love with something if you never had loved it.
I'm hoping this helped you, Corey - and anyone else who's struggling with this issue. Let me know if you have any questions or any other topics you'd like Charlie or I to post about.
Posted by Hanna at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Charlie is back, life sucks, and so forth.
First things first, I'd like to apologize immensely for being away for so long.
In a way, life has been hectic. Yes, staying in your bedroom 24/7 does take a lot out of a person. I wish I could come up with some excuses.
Fake excuse one (1): I have been reading A LOT! (If 3 novels are a lot.. then this is not a lie.)
Face excuse two (2): I have been writing epicness!
Real excuse one (1): I watched an entire season of Glee in one day! Yes, 24 hours of non-stop entertainment and music! Fun,Fun,Fun.
For some reason, I can't write anything I want to stick with for more than a few days, and my plot is getting worse and worse the more I think about it. Talk about fast-paced.... it feels like I have nothing slowing it down, and that is why I hate it so much... or maybe I just have not found the right beginning. (READ HANNA'S POST ON BEGINNING'S.) Take my advice, they are important.
Here is some writing advice, and hopefully, I will take my own advice, too.
One month of thinking and plotting? Right... now get to writing. Forget the "OOOH, lets find pictures of our characters!" and the "OOOOH, lets read more for ideas and better writing!" (even though that is important) just write!
Trust me, I know. Take a look at my characters. I went as far as finding backgrounds, and editing their clothes and hair and eyes and mascara and skin tone on photoshop!
Sad, sad me.
Yes, that is Taylor Swift with long, golden straight hair, and beautiful juicy red lips and white skin, and added wings... Yes, the hair looks fake, I edited it. I am not the best photoshop editor out there... just to make that clear.
She is what my angel looks likes. <_<
Nothing to see here... move along.
Get Writing!
--Charlie, The Cooler Teen.
Posted by Anonymous at 5:09 PM 5 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thank You
Nine years ago today two planes were flown into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and one went down in a Pennsylvania field. Hundreds of people were killed, and we still mourn them. This year I didn't have time to put together a tribute, which is something I feel extremely horrible about, but seeing the pictures of that day just makes me want to throw up.
Nine years later we are at war as a result of these attacks. The combat troops have been pulled out of Iraq, but the war still ranges in Afghanistan. I thought that I knew well enough the cost of war, having my cousin, Jimmy, fight twice in Iraq and once in Afghanistan. On August 28th, 2010 I discovered I hadn't even scratched the surface of just how much the war effects me. August 28th, 2010 was the worst day of my life that I can remember. Because on this day Heaven decided that they needed my hero.
I'd like to take a minute to say thank you to each and every person who has lost their life defending our country or in the event of an enemy attack, such as 9-11. As I said in my speech at Jimmy's services, people always say that freedom isn't free, but I never imagined it could cost this much.
All gave some
Some gave all.
You fell into the latter
It's not fair -
Though I guess it never is.
So much to live for
So much to die for
When does one out-weigh the other?
Where is the line drawn
Between dutiful service
And inhumane violence?
Where do we reach the point
When we say "No more"
When we agree that enough's enough
And bring you home
And we find a better way to do this?
Heroes fall
And families mourn
We carry on your legacy
And cling tight to your honor.
Is there a time
When we stop crying?
When we can speak your name without pain?
When our hearts are no longer at half-mast?
You are my hero
And so I say
Thank you
For serving
For protecting
For being brave and strong
For being my cousin.
People calling night and day
Even a Purple Heart
And we can't even be happy for you.
Yes, we all gave some,
But you gave all.
Posted by Hanna at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Posted by Hanna at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Every character has their own voice, a personality that is unique to them. No matter how stereotypical you try to make a character, they are still very much their own person. Just as actual people are all each unique. Stereotypes, in my mind, don't really exist because even if you fit into a category, you're not the same as another person that fits the category. Anyway, because each character is unique, there's really no way to tell you how to develop them to make them "real".
However, knowing your characters inside and out is very important in the development process. When I began writing the first draft of my novel, I had absolutely no idea where I was going with it nor did I really take time at the beginning to get to know Hallie, Edward, Dale, Tabitha, and Gale (and every other character in the novel). Without doing this everything I wrote was kind of like discovering another piece to a puzzle. Which was kind of interesting because my characters somewhat created themselves, but it was also kind of tricky because I wasn't always sure how a character should react to things or if they would say something or not. I think it's really important to know your main characters inside and out (I mean, I even know what Edward's house in England looks like ^^), but the minor characters you don't need to know everything about them - just what's essential to the story. In doing so with your minor characters I think you'll be surprised to discover some random things about them as you go through the story. I know through the course of writing Solace I've discovered that Dale is a really interesting character to me, and some other characters I kind of want to tell their stories. Or at least I want to know them.
In a wonderful book called "Writing Magic" by Gale Carson Levine it gives this basic profile for a character. This is how I filled out Hallie's character profile:
Character Sketch of Hallie Pearson
Name: Hallie Leanna Pearson
Nickname, if any: Hal
Kind of being: Human
Age: 21, almost 22
Sex: Female
Appearance: 5’7”, mid-neck length, brown hair, Caucasian, blue eyes, 120-125 lbs.
Family members: Michael, Lydia, Sophia, Clay, Brent, Jackson.
Pets: none.
Best friend: Gale
Room: Baby blue, gray, black, and white décor. Old look. Book shelves.
Way of speaking: English.
Physical characteristics: Optimistic, cautious, guarded, a little hurt, accepting, loving.
Items in her purse: Phone, perhaps pepper spray to please cop-of-a-cousin, Brent.
Hobbies: Reading, spending time with friends and family, music, writing.
Favorite sports: none (likes watching OSU football).
Talents, abilities, or powers: Accepting and loving, seeing the best in people, writing.
Relationships: Cautious because of past. Beginning to get back into relationships. When she is in a relationship, she’s in it with a passion--always giving her best.
Fears: Being hurt, dark, losing someone she loves, marriage.
Faults: She worries a lot, she has a hard time opening up to people.
Good points: She’s strong, accepting, loving, and very down-to-earth and modest. She has a beautiful laugh and loves to use it--though she doesn’t use it all that often.
What she wants more than anything else: To be whole again, to follow her beliefs and to not go against her values. Later on, Edward.
By doing this I discovered things about Hallie that I didn't really know - granted some of them aren't important and are never mentioned. Such as her interest in writing or her fear of the dark. Although I kind of knew these things - to an extent - seeing them all written out and right there in front of my face was amazing. The character that I have and am working so hard to develop, seem real, is basically explained right there in one page apposed to the 180+ pages of draft two so far.
I would use this same exercise for creating both your protagonist and antagonist. Maybe for your antagonist add some things like "Why they became this way" or "Motive".
As for a secret to creating believable characters: People. Real people. Use the characters in your life to create a basis. DO NOT USE EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT PERSON! But truly, observe people, see how they interact - or don't interact - with the public. Now, I'm not telling you to stalk people. I'm just saying when you're out in public, keep your eyes open and take everything in. You might look a little creepy sitting at a table staring at a person across the room and writing things down. Just make mental notes as write them down as soon as you can. Oh, and don't make staring obvious. Think about a TV show. The characters on say "Criminal Minds" are real to us because they could easily be someone we know, or even us. (I'd be Reed or Garcia.) And the unsubs and victims are real to us for the same reason because we could easily know these people - which sometimes is chilling.
As for perspective, I like to write from a female perspective, because I'm female. However, I have experimented writing from a guy's POV and have discovered that I can do it, it's not hard, but not as well as the female perspective.
You also need to have your characters face conflict. I know that sounds really basic, but it's true. I had a hard time facing this fact in draft one, and therefore a lot of the story is just Hallie and Edward living life. Never did they have one fight. It's unrealistic and doesn't make for a good story. In the words of my writing mentor, "Chase your characters up a tree. Then throw rocks at them." :)
Hope this helped, Jessica, and everybody else! Let me know what you wanna hear about next! And tell Charlie to come back! He won't listen to me. This is Two Teens, One Dream, after all. ;)
Posted by Hanna at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jessica was the first person to use the suggestion box. One of the things she suggested we talk about was beginning your stories. Beginnings are kind of essential, to anything you write. When you do public speaking, they like for you to begin with a joke or a strong point. For example, I read a poem at my great-grandma’s funeral and I began with “You know, waterproof mascara is the best invention ever.” Just as so, it’s very important that your story, poem, or novel starts with a strong point. You need to draw your reader in, make them want to start reading what you’ve written. Your whole piece could be amazing except for the beginning. But if no one wants to read the beginning and get to the parts that are wonderful, it won’t matter.
My wonderful writing teacher my eighth grade year referred to these such beginnings as “Interest Grabbers” or IG’s.
This is the most accurate name I’ve ever heard of describing beginnings because that’s truly what they’re there for: to grab the interest of the reader.
So if you haven’t caught on by now a beginning is very, very important. Finding a good beginning, though, can be somewhat tricky. It really depends on your topic, and what type of piece you’re writing. One way to generalize this topic is to think about things that usually grab your attention (not like the hot guy sparkling over there, more general than that). Leads may include, but are not limited to:
Flash-forwards, or
So, tell me. Which of the following pieces would you be more likely to read?
1) Today I decided to go to the mall because I was so mad at my mom.
2) The door slammed shut as my fist clamped around the car keys so hard I was sure I’d puncture my palms. Throwing my purse into the car, I followed suit and thrust the keys into the ignition, heading out in the direction of the mall. No matter how much I focused on the road, all I could think about was how idiotic and irrational my mother was. Just because she doesn’t like my boyfriend doesn’t mean she has the right to tell me who’s right for me.
It should be a no-brainer, but whatever. Number two would be an example of a combination of Action and Thoughts.
So, do you see how much more likely you would be to continue reading one piece over the other? It's important because I would have put the first piece down by now, where as the second has my attention because it has captured my interest. Would millions of people have read Twilight if Stephenie Meyer had started the book with "I'm Bella and I'm moving in with my dad in Forks, Washington."? I will be the first to say that there are a LOT of books with slow beginnings. And the slower the beginning, the harder it is for me to get through a book. But sometimes the beginning (after the IG) needs to be slow, because you need to give some back story or information. I agree, those are the most boring things to read and write, but they are needed.
Hope this helped!
*In the comments (after commenting on the post or whatever) tell Charlie you want him to start posting again. He got spoiled with all of the new books he picked up in England. :P *
Posted by Hanna at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
Getting Published
Carly, this is a question that is not easily answered. Mainly because people's answers vary depending on who you're asking, what genre they write or represent, and just their general opinion. I also think it makes a huge difference depending on if the person you ask is published or unpublished.


Hope this helped and I'm still open for suggestions! I still have a few left to write about.
With eternal love and blessings,
Posted by Hanna at 9:08 PM 8 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
My favorite book and why
My favorite book. To be honest, I can't pick one. There are so many that take first on my list. So, I'm going to go through some of my #1's and tell you why they're #1's. I'm also going to mention a few books that are number one books, but I don't really want to explain them because I just know I'll give something away.
Twilight (saga) by Stephenie Meyer. Now, this book started everything in me. My love for reading and my love for writing. Not only is the story itself entrancing, the fact that the story was powerful enough to make a non-reader go avid, is amazing. I think any book that makes me want to read every book about it, no matter how long, is definitely a number one book. *And I just love Stephenie Meyer - loving the author goes a long way.*
The Strangely Beautiful Series by Leanna Renee Hieber. Obviously, I love Leanna. I kind of knew her before I read her books. But that didn't really change my opinion of them. I think what I love the most about Leanna's books is the fact that there's so many genres. There's literally something for everyone. Paranormal, romance, action, mystery, adventure, the bond of friendship, following your heart, etc. Another thing that I really like is that even if the characters are from Victorian London and can see ghosts, even if one of them is as pale as a bed sheet and looks like a ghost, you can empathize with every character. They're relateable and lovable. Powerful characters combined with the lesson that you can't help what your heart feels made this book a number one.
As You Wish by Jackson Pearce. Again, I really like this author as a person, but it still didn't effect my love of the book. This book was just a genuinely good book. Great book. What I love about this book was that there were no slow parts where I'd put the book down and go do something else. Added to the fact that Jinn and Viola were facing the obstacle of loving each other, even if it was 'against the rules'. I always love it when characters have to overcome something to love each other. Humor, love, and the perfect mix of everything else made this book a number one.
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce. This book is about sisters, which I love. One sister protects the other from the Fenris (werewolves), but the little sister is tired of it. She wants to fight too. But she never expected to fall for her sister's best friend, Silas. Their whole lives have always been about the hunt, nothing else. How can Rosie be so selfish and go boy crazy when Scarlett has given her the most valuable gift - her life? Again, I love that the characters have to overcome something to love each other. Action, mystery, suspense, love, and people killing werewolves made this book a number one.
Vampire Academy (series) by Richelle Mead.
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak.
The Hunger Games (series) by Suzanne Collins.
And of course Solace by Me. What? I have to love my own book. :)
With eternal love and blessings,
Posted by Hanna at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
Where are you guys?
Hey Dreamers! Where are you guys? We haven't heard from you in a few posts!
Feel like I'm at a football game now. :P
Posted by Hanna at 12:11 AM 5 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Special Day and a post about rainy days
Today is a very special day for me! Find out why HERE ON MY BLOG. I didn't feel like copy and pasting everything.
Today is a rainy day in Ohio. It only rained for a little while, but I still consider it a rainy day if it's gloomy and no sun. Oh, and if I really don't feel like doing anything. I wish I could bring myself to do something - anything - but I can't really. I wrote a little bit, but I kinda lost my feel for it. Perhaps it's because it's the afternoon, not nighttime. I'm thinking about re-arranging my book shelf and dusting it and all that fun stuff... yep that's what I'll do. Maybe touching all of those yummy books will make me want to write one of my own.
Guys, if you have any suggestions for posts or for the site, please leave them in the feedback box at the top of the page.
Keep dreaming,
Posted by Hanna at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wanna Tell Us Something?
Hey Dreamers!
You may have noticed the little window about the latest post titled "Wanna Tell Us Something?" and then inside "TellHannaAndCharlie". In this area you can tell us anything you want, suggest posts, ask questions, or give your own two cents on a topic if you don't feel like finding the post about it.
Please use this feature as you wish. It makes for quicker feedback!
Posted by Hanna at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Results of #3
Piece number one belonged to Charlie.
Piece number two belonged to Hanna.
Which means, Hanna won with a whopping one vote! ;)
We, again, only had one piece entered, and that was by Miss Carly once again. Carly, I think your story was really nice.
For some reason I can't ever catch Charlie online, so I'll leave a space blank for his comments if he wants to add anything.
Hanna - Carly the way you wrote this story conveyed the emotion of frustration because your character's boyfriend was kinda acting like he didn't care about her going through the 'crisis'. However, at the end you conveyed the emotion of devotion and I thought it was very sweet. :)
Charlie -
By Carly P.
“It was horrible,” I sighed, clutching the phone. “Every second of it. Every bloody second.”
“Oh come on, babe. It doesn’t sound that bad.”
“That’s because you weren’t there, Milton! You weren’t there to see the look on her face. The sadness in her eyes.” I paused to pass a tear, and glanced at the ceiling. “You didn’t see her cry.”
“She CRIED?”
“Mmhhmm,” I sniffled.
He sounded utterly shocked. “But she’s your MOTHER! She NEVER cries!”
“I thought so too. But she does, and when she does, she cries hard.”
There was a moment of silence. “Just start from the beginning, then. I want to hear it all.”
“I don’t know why I try so hard all the time. I really don’t. It’s like all I do is exceed limits, and push past expectations. I don’t want to sound vain, but I can’t help it! You know me, and you know how I act. I spend too much time thinking things through. I strive for success. It’s exhausting!
“And the worst part is, no matter how hard I try, I don’t succeed. I thought I could get everything in line, and have everything under control. But I guess I can’t.
“Milton?” I asked, “You still there?”
There was a slight ruffling in the background. “What are you doing, Milton?”
“Calm down, Stacey! I’m just walking downstairs. I can listen and walk at the same time.”
“Okay, so where did I leave off?”
“Something about not succeeding…”
“Oh yeah.” I took a deep breath, and continued. “So I’m working late to try and get this big promotion. That’s all I’ve been doing lately… work, work work. I have no time for relaxing. And just when I feel like I have it all done, and I grab my coat from the hanger, my boss stops me on the way out.
This time, there was a standard bell that rang, similar to a text message, in the background. “Milton, what ARE you doing?”
“Nothing! Just making some food in the microwave.”
“What food?”
“Uhh… popcorn.”
“You hate popcorn, Milton.”
There was more silence. “Does it matter what I’m doing? Since when does it matter what I’m cooking in the—”
“Is that a car engine?” I accused, my voice getting louder. “Don’t lie to me, Milton. I’ve had one of the worst days of my life, and you don’t seem to care!”
“I care!” he shot back. “I care about you a lot, Stacey. More than you know.”
“What is THAT supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Just forget about it, okay? It’s not important. You’ll see in a few minutes.”
“What? You’re not making any sense—”
“Just forget it! Keep talking.”
I was so confused. My whole day was confusing. But I needed to vent. I needed someone to talk to. So, I began talking again. “Turns out, my boss just wanted to tell me I was doing a good job. He held me 20 minutes late to tell me I was doing good.
“You’d THINK I’d be happy by that, but when I got home, I realized I had forgotten about the plans I made with my mother, and she was sitting on the couch crying when I got home. It was her birthday, Milton! And I forgot!”
“Whatttttttttttttttt,” he answered, his voice trailing off sarcastically.
“I’m dealing with a crisis here! I just need someone to talk to.” And then, I burst out in tears. It had been such a long day, and it seemed as if Milton didn’t even care. It seemed like no one cared. Not my mother, and not even my boyfriend.
“I have to go,” he mumbled, with some mixed shuffling noises. “I can’t talk to you like this.”
“Talk to me like WHAT, Milton? What are you—”
He hung up on me.
I flipped over in my bed and sobbed into my pillow. Then, my door opened.
And guess who stood in the doorway.
“I can’t possibly try and talk to the girl I love without seeing her in person. From now on, I’ll just come on over, if that’s alright with you.”
I wiped a few of my tears and sat up. “Milton. You do care.”
“Yes ma’am. I love you, Stacey Quinn. And I want you to know that I always cared about you, even when you were talking on the way over here. I just need to see you more, instead of talk on the phone.”
“Agreed,” I smiled.
“Besides,” he added, as he sat next to me, “You can’t kiss through the phone.”
Posted by Hanna at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
First Novels
This is a topic I might be totally alone in, but that's why I want to talk about it with you Dreamers. I've never really voiced my concern about this, nor have I voiced my opinions and feelings, to anyone. But, alas, I feel I need to. As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of feel lost on this. Like I told you all in the beginning, I'll never claim to be an expert in writing. I just feel I know enough to give my two cents.
So, today I'm gonna talk about first novels. The first novel you resolve to write. A lot of times these novels don't see the light of day. Of course there are exceptions to this seemingly unwritten rule. (i.e. Stephenie Meyer) However, usually it turns out that the first thing you write doesn't get published. And that doesn't even mean your first draft.
I'm very scared of this. I love my story, but I always ask myself "Is it really a story? Is there really any plot to it? Or am I just messing around with it and it's the characters I love?". To me, my novel doesn't seem like a book - which I guess can be looked at two very different ways. It's good, on one hand, if it doesn't seem like a book because that means it's totally unique. *And despite what Charlie might say, it's not a Twilight rip-off. No vamps - I swear.* On the other hand, it's bad because, to me, it means I can't see it selling or becoming a book.
I think a lot of times writers are afraid of their first novel never being published for one major reason. They think they only have one book in them. However, usually this isn't the case. For myself, already know of two or three books that I really want to write, outside of SOLACE. But honestly, before I had those ideas, I was desperately afraid of that. So afraid that I thought I was going to have to write sequels upon sequels just to make a living. I was so convinced that SOLACE was the only series/characters I would ever be able to work with.
So, because I know it's going to be asked, how do you assure that you have another book in you to write?
That's really a hard question to answer, so I offer you my best advice. Keep your eyes open, don't ignore anything. Think about things in ways someone else might not. Read - a lot. Write everything down. Watch people (in a non-creepy way). Observe everything. By doing this, you might just get a new idea you never would have thought about. I know at least two of my potential novels came about this way. The other(s) came about via my dad throwing ideas around.
But what scares me is saying goodbye to this story - if it ever came to that. I mean, it's my first novel. The first thing that I've felt passionate about and have stuck with for two and a half years. I love Hallie as if she's me, and Edward as if he's my boyfriend. I don't know how I could say goodbye to them. Could I?
And I suppose that saying goodbye would never be goodbye. I could always put them into a different story or recreate their world. But still, if I know that I abandoned them, and didn't let anyone outside of my coterie know them...I feel as though I have failed them. I've always compared my novel to my child, my characters are my friends, children, family, and lovers.
However, that's exactly my point. Your children don't just disappear from your life - even if they pass away, they're still with you. And so, my first novel will always be my first born child, in a way. No matter what happens to it, it'll always be in my heart and I'll always love it and it'll always be the thing that impacted my life and made me who I am.
Posted by Hanna at 5:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
Competition Reminder
I just wanted to take a moment to make sure you all saw that the THIRD WRITING COMPETITION was posted just before the Results of #2.
I hope everyone's week is off to a good start! Mine is okay, I felt kinda sick earlier, but I'm feeling better. I'm in the process of cleaning out my computer so my uncle can go in and totally erase everything. More info on that coming soon.
With eternal love and blessings,
Posted by Hanna at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
England... England... United Kingdom... England.
Hello guys ;)
Just to say I am in the United Kingdom - so 8 hours behind Hanna instead of the normal 9 :)
Have fun, I won't be on too much... I don't think.
Possibly going to a safari park tomorrow. Going to London on Tuesday... Watching Eclipse on Wednesday.... and i don't know what else. Some roller coaster place? *shivers*
K, bye :)
Posted by Anonymous at 2:17 PM 3 comments
Blogging (and lack thereof)
The fact of the matter is, I'm not all that sure what to talk about. I've done a lot of the issues I immediately think of, so lets think for a second. *Honestly I have no plans for this post yet* Jeopardy Theme Song here.
Hey, Dreamers, I call on you for help.
Answer in the comments below!
Posted by Hanna at 12:26 PM 6 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Results of #2
Piece number one belonged to Charlie.
Piece number two belonged to Hanna.
We have drawn! We got 2 votes, ones each. Thanks for voting!
We only received one entry for this contest, which belonged to Miss Carly. However, Carly your story was excellent. Carly's story will be posted below. Here are our comments.
Hanna - Carly, you know I've always thought you were an amazing writer, and reading this just proves it all the more. I really liked that you didn't make Ariel a mermaid - just the daughter of a fisherman/business-owner/beach proprietor. Your style is really unique - really capturing the frustration of a teenager and showing the reader how it feels to have such a bad nickname. Job well done, Carly Barly. *And I still think you'll be a the first female best-selling-author-turned-President. ;) *
Charlie - Carly, first, I love your name. With that said, I liked your story. I did slow down at some parts, to reread what I had read as you sometimes switch from present to past tense... but without that, I thought it was really original. Like Hanna, I liked that she was not a glittery, sparkly creature with a fin. :)
By Carly P.
You wanna know what’s an annoying nickname?
Fish girl.
You’d THINK a group of high-schoolers can come up with a name a LITTLE more creative, right? It’s so lame. It’s so juvenile. It’s so first grade! When I was seven, Janis Button’s skirt fell down one day. They could have called her all sorts of nicknames, especially because her last name included “butt.” But nooooo, they called her “skirt girl.” I remember feeling bad for Janis, because nicknames are pretty hard to get rid of.
And now that those imbisuls have started to call me fish girl… I couldn’t agree with myself more.
Just because I hang around in the ocean a lot DOESN’T mean I’m a fish. Yeah, I’m the best swimmer on the school swim team. And I like seafood a lot. And My Dad owns most of the shore in our town.
So what? Does that automatically make me “fish girl” for the rest of my life? Judging on how people are treating me, I’d assume that’s exactly what I’ll be called, forever and eternity. The saddest part is I can’t redeem myself, no matter how hard I try. I don’t have any friends, no people I could hang out with. Notice I said no PEOPLE. I’ve got plenty of fish friends!
And there’s this injured dolphin I’ve been feeding off the dock at night. Every night, like tonight, for instance, I walk out and feed her some sardines. She broke her fin a few weeks ago, and being careful and staying close to the shore is helping her recover.
The sun is so beautiful as it’s setting over the ocean. Every night is pretty spectacular, but tonight is extra special. The sun is almost a pink color, which is something new. I’m entranced.
Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I spin around. My bucket of sardines spilled all over the figure standing behind me. “I’m so sorry!” I mumbled, frantically throwing the sardines into the bucket. I moved my eyes upward to reveal the hottest man I’ve even seen in my entire life.
“You’re fine,” he smiles, handing a few sardines to me. His voice is so low. So muscular. So unbelievably unreal. I must be dreaming.
Then I realized I was staring. “Ariel!” I spit, plunging my arm out for a shake. “Ariel Duncan.”
He looks quizzical and his eyes dart back to the dock titled DUNCAN’S DOCK. “Like the dock?” he asks.
I blush. “Yes. Like the dock. And the returaunt, and the harbor, and the beach.” This was my worst part of meeting anybody. They always assumed I was some stuckup rich kid who had tons of friends, which by the way… I did NOT. I expected the hot man to walk away, disgusted. He should of just—
“I’m Eric,” he replies, sticking out his hand. We touch hands, and his hands are softer than… well I can’t exactly compare them to anything at the moment. I’m so lost in his smile! And his eyes! Oh, and his—
“Are you going to let go now?”
“Oh yeah,” I blurt, ripping away my hand. “Sorry.”
Then, he laughs. But not at me, with me. And he sits down with his feet in the water. And we talk… for a long time.
I could feel my life changing as we spoke. I, Ariel Duncan, was talking to THE hottest man I’ve ever met, and he didn’t think I was a freak. Wait till everyone sees me now! All the “fish girl” crap will change! Everything will change!
The sun is getting lower into the sky, until it disappears behind the ocean’s horizon. Then it’s just Eric and I, sitting in the dark. And it’s silent. And weird.
“I better get going,” I say, hesitant to leave. “It’s getting pretty late, and I’m getting pretty chilly.”
“No don’t leave, Ariel! Please. It’s my first night here, and my parents are still moving things in, and they’re still fighting a lot these days, and there is nowhere I’d rather be then here.” There was a slight pause. “Here with you.”
I felt a bolt of lightening rush through my body. He wanted to be with me. Here.
“Of course,” I reply. Taking a seat, I rub my arms to try and keep them warm. “I’m just so cold!”
Immediately, he ripped off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. “Here,” he offered, “take mine. I’m a Minnesota boy, I’m used to the cold.”
I giggled and took his sweatshirt. It was warm, and cozy, and---
As if it was even possible, he actually looked hotter with it off. Not like “warmer” hotter, but HOTTER hotter.
I am the luckiest girl in the universe. Nothing could ever bring me down. Not even being called fish girl. Not even the entire city!
You know in movies when someone feels as if they’re on top of the world, and then something comes along in the worst moment possible and tears it all apart? I figured that I already met the perfect guy in the cheesy citcom, so of COURSE there would be that one person who had to go and rip my storybook ending apart.
“What in God’s name are you doing?” a voice like thunder roared from behind us on the dock. I looked up to see my father, in the flesh, standing right behind Eric and me.
“Dad, I can explain everything, just give me two seconds.”
“Explain how there’s some topless guy holding hands with you as you two are watching the sunset? What kind of father do you think I am, Ariel?”
It was dead silent. The waves were crashing at the side of the dock, and I wished I could just dive in and swim away. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but bury my head in my hands and sigh.
“Let’s go,” he barked, grabbing me on the arm.
The sadness in Eric’s eyes were horrible. I couldn’t bear to see him sad like this, forever. And as soon as I could get my chance, I was going to see him. And make it all better.
Because that’s what is meant to be.
Posted by Hanna at 8:13 PM 6 comments
Writing Competition #3
Today we are posting our third writing competition, and the same rules apply from last week. This week the 'prompt' is Write an emotional scene. It can be a happy emotion, a sad emotion, or anything inbetween. Make your readers feel for your character - make them feel the emotion you're trying to convey. But never tell us "I feel sad" or "They felt happy". The word limit is 500-3000 words.
In order to vote, your comment must include:
1) Which writing piece you're voting for (1 or 2)
2) Why you chose one writing piece over the other.
3) Any critiques (optional)
*4) Bonus points if you can tell the emotion we're trying to convey.
Again, there is no rhyme or reason to whose piece is put with which number, so please do not try to figure it out. Judge the piece for what it is, or what it isn't and base your vote exclusively on this.
This will be our last competition for a few weeks, due to the fact that Charlie will be taking a vacation and will not have time to write on prompts. Also, we feel we need a few more followers. So if you have any writer friends, or have any cool ways to help us, well then - help us! (If you wish.) *winks* I'll give Ya'll a cookie :)
If you want to enter a piece of your writing to be voted upon by Charlie and Hanna, please email it to us. To email Hanna: To email Charlie:
Voting and entry deadlines are Wednesday, July 14th, 2010.
Piece 1 -
How could you…
How could you do that to me, when I specifically told you not to? I trusted you with my secret – believed you would keep it. I thought I knew you – I guess I didn’t. Still, I wonder… how you could have done something like that.
I know, I am nothing special – you have clarified that theory with your friends. I know, I am nothing to look at, nothing to waste your breath on. I am human after all; at least that’s what I thought. But no – no, I am not human, so you say. What you say, is right. That’s what I believe. I wonder why I believe everything you say. I guess it is because of the love I feel for you. The love inside – that’s what really counts. That is what really matters in life – true love.
How could you do it? I repeat because I am just so flabbergasted. I never thought you would have done something like this. After I trusted you – I trusted you, with my secret.
You say I am not human. You say you are always right. Maybe that is true – maybe. I might not be human – but I have a heart, I have feelings, just like everyone, everything else does…
So how could you do it? How could you… do it? Tell my secret. Not just to her – or him, but to everyone. I believed you cared. Maybe I was a fool. Maybe I loved you too much. Yes. I did love you too much. But no. I was not a fool. I was not a fool for telling you – my secret. Telling you, my feelings – telling you I loved you.
You laughed at me. You laughed. With him – and her, and everyone else – you just laughed. I ask again, how could you? My feelings are hurt – and now you ignore me. Ignore me, even though I try to talk to you. Yes, I hate you – yet I try to contact you. But I only hate you, because I love you too much. I cannot let you go. I will not let you go – without a fight.
Please – I believe I can do it. I believe I can change. I know I am nothing special. I don’t have the looks – or the brains, or anything. But I think I have the love. I could love you for ever. I do love you – and will love you for ever. Don’t you know that?
Don’t you know that what I did… why I said it was for you to know… the truth. Besides, isn’t that what matters after all – the love someone shares. It’s not about the looks – despite the fact you have them.
I know your secret. I know what you are deep down inside. I never told anyone, not one single person. Yet, you can tell the whole world my secret – that I love you. You are horrible and heartless inside – that is your secret…
But wait, then I have another secret I wish to share… another secret.
I fell in love with a heartless person – and I am not ashamed to say, I love you for what you are. Whatever you are – I love you.
Now I understand – how a man could still want to be with his cheating wife, even though she broke his heart.
Now I understand, how Bella fell in love with Edward – despite the fact he was a vampire, despite the fact that he had killed. Now I understand.
Now I know the truth – now I know, and so do you – and so does the whole world.
I love you – I fell in love with the heartless girl.
Piece 2 -
“And then the princess kissed the frog and - ” I read aloud to my mother, just as my phone started buzzing. Groaning, I glanced at the alarm going off. “Shoot, Mom, I have to go. Didn’t realize I’d already been here for two hours.” I shoved myself up from the soft summer grass, standing there just looking down at the gravesite. “I’ll see you next week. We’ll finish the book then. I love you.” I sighed, bending over to somewhat wrap my arms around the tombstone. Leaning in, I kissed the top of it and walked away.
As I drove to the restaurant, thoughts of my mom filled my mind. How long had I been going there? Once a week, every week, since I was sixteen and could drive. Reading, every time – countless times over “The Frog Princess”. Eight years now, I guess.
The day she died also popped into my head. I was five, and she had had cancer since I was born. One day I woke up and my mom wasn’t there anymore. My dad told me that she’d gone to visit my grandparents in Heaven.
Pulling into the parking lot, I forced all of those thoughts away. This was supposed to be a happy night. Dinner with my boyfriend and my family.
“You’re late,” Josh whispered in my ear as he embraced me.
“I know,” I replied. “I was with Mom.”
“I figured. It’s Thursday.” Without another word, Josh pulled out my chair for me, sitting me between him and my dad. My family greeted me warmly.
Throughout dinner, my family, Josh, and I were laughing as we shared family stories. After dessert, Josh turned to me, looking somewhat nervous. He looked around the table and was met by smiles. Finally settling his gaze back on me, he said, “Katie, I love you. Love you so much my heart feels like it could explode. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you make my life complete by becoming my wife?”
My heart froze, and immediately I wasn’t sure how to answer. Could I marry him? Could I be that selfish? Of course, I did love him, and wasn’t that what mattered? But, still…
“Josh,” I finally managed to whisper brokenly. “You know I love you. I-I just…need some time to think…I’m sorry.”
Before Josh could say anything, I got up from the table. I knew he tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away and began walking to the door. My family called after me, but I couldn’t bear to look back.
Once in my car, my hand hesitated putting the key into the ignition. But I forced myself to, so I wouldn’t second-guess myself. I began driving around absentmindedly, but soon realized where I was headed.
The cemetery.
The sun was setting as I got out of my car. I found my mom’s grave effortlessly. I pulled the princess book out of my purse and said, “You used to read this to me all the time – it’s the only thing I remember about you.” I continued reading where I left off and soon finished with the iconic ‘And they lived happily ever after.’
I sat there in the twilight silence and took a deep breath.
“Do you think happily-ever-afters really exist? I mean, it didn’t for you – and it can’t for me, not after losing you. Do they exist for anyone?”
Tears began to fill my eyes. As they escaped, I realized why I had come here. “I didn’t know where else to go, Mommy. I can’t go home right now. You know, it’s not fair. And I know, life’s not fair, but it’s really not fair, me having to grow up without you. Daddy didn’t remarry until I was eighteen, and you left when I was five. Cancer just sucks. Sucks the life right out of anyone it effects, and their families. Sucks the money right of the bank account. Sucks everything bone dry. I never attended your funeral – I never had the choice to. And that kills me every time I think about it because I never got to say goodbye. I hardly remember you. All I know is that one day I woke up and I didn’t have a Mommy anymore. You didn’t get to tell me that my first crush wouldn’t last forever. I didn’t get to have you when I went on my first date, or when I had my heart broken for the first time, or when I went to prom, or when I graduated. Or when I met Josh.” The mention of Josh made my heart ache. “He asked me to marry him today. But I can’t. I can’t let myself be so selfish and grant myself such happiness…not when you can’t be with me.”
I sat there for a long moment, realizing the sky had gone dark. A tingling sensation touched my arms and I swear my mom was hugging me, reassuringly. Knowing visiting hours were over, I hugged the headstone and kissed the top.
Heading home, I found Josh on our couch. “I wasn’t sure you’d come here.” He said quietly.
“Where else would I go? I couldn’t stay with Mom all night.”
Sitting down next to him, he sat forward on his knees, his hands together at his bridge, as if praying. “When you walked out of the restaurant like that, I thought…” He turned to face me, pain in his eyes, wet with tears, but I didn’t let him go on. Pressing my lips to his, I knew he was surprised, but pleased. “What was that for?”
“For me being an idiot.” When I said nothing else, he gave me a questioning look.
“Which means?”
“Which means,” I drew in a long breath, making sure of myself. “If you’ll still have me, I’d be honored to become your wife.”
He was silent for a moment, but then cracked a smile and burst out laughing. “Of course I’ll have you!”
He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me long and hard.
One Week Later
Josh and I got out of the car at the cemetery. I led him toward the grave taking a long, shaky breath on the verge of tears.
“Katie, you really didn’t have to bring me here, if it’s too personal.”
“No, I need to. I need for you two to meet and I need for her to approve.” I didn’t care how stupid that sounded, I couldn’t hide from him something this important to me.
We continued walking and when we reached the grave I introduced them. “Mommy, this is my fiancée, Josh. Josh, this is my mom.”
I could tell Josh was uncomfortable, but still he said, “Mrs. Ruth, I love your daughter with all my heart. I promise I’ll take care of her.”
As we stood, wrapped in each other’s arms, a warm breeze blew. It caressed my face and each inch of our bodies. Wrapping us seemingly in a blanket of fairy tale bliss – the embrace of an angle.
She approved of us.
Posted by Anonymous at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Writing Competition #2
Today we are posting our second writing competition, and the same rules apply from last week. This week the 'prompt' is Write a modern-day adaptation of a fairy tale. The original story must be obvious, but you may never tell us outright what the fairy tale is. The word limit is 1000-5000 words. *We would prefer Dreamers not write an adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood because Jackson Pearce just wrote a book about it.*
In order to vote, your comment must include:
1) Which writing piece you're voting for (1 or 2)
2) Why you chose one writing piece over the other.
3) Any critiques (optional)
Again, there is no rhyme or reason to whose piece is put with which number, so please do not try to figure it out. Judge the piece for what it is, or what it isn't and base your vote exclusively on this.
If you want to enter a piece of your writing to be voted upon by Charlie and Hanna, please email it to us. To email Hanna: To email Charlie:
Voting and entry deadlines are Friday, July 9th, 2010.
Piece 1
I had so much free time to dwell on my past that I even remember my mother and father before I was taken away. She had almond shaped, hazel eyes – I remember them so profoundly because of the kindness and warmth I felt when looking into them. I remember her long golden hair, which I obviously had inherited from her.
I remember my father to be a chubby man, but that was just about it for his appearance. Though, if I recall, he had a certain fondness for cabbage, as he would bring some into the house nearly every day from the garden that grew right behind the wall. Mother would start to sob whenever he brought some in. I guessed she couldn’t stand cabbage the sight of cabbage or the smell… or the taste.
I should know. She brings some every time she pays a visit.
I was sat on a divan, when my mind drifted back into the present and I heard somebody ruffling in the trees below the chamber which I had been locked in most of my life. I rushed off my seat, and moved to the large hole in the brick wall which some would call a window. I quite knew what to expect.
“Let down your hair to me.” cried the unearthly, savage witch who stole me from my loved ones.
I was forced to obey. Grabbing my hair and stroking it between my two fingers, I let it fall out like waves of gold, and waited for the tugging I knew would come. I wiped a tear as I felt some hairs being pulled savagely out of their roots.
This happened quite often, maybe once or twice a week. After her visit, she would climb back down the way she came, and I would move to the long glorious mirror I kept for company (besides the witch) to check how much hair had been pulled out.
I had magnificent long golden hair, which I adored. The witch had told me I was beautiful, and that I was locked up in here as a punishment for such a crime, as beauty like mine was not tolerated in the outside world. She made it out to look like she was protecting me, and I half believed it.
Days and days passed till her next visit.
I was near the window, looking out at the sky, singing in my wonderful melodic voice, when, from the corner of my eye, I spotted a person with a large backpack and binoculars to his eyes, looking up at me from behind the trees. I almost turned my head to face him, until I saw her coming from the left.
“Let down your hair to me.” She ordered yet again when placed beneath the window.
I tilted my head to the side and looked at his face, full of astonishment. I smiled halfheartedly, and pulled back my hair when she had climbed all the way up, into my cell; my home.
In my solitude, I would sing, more out of pleasure than boredom. My sweet voice soothed me as it resounded and echoed off the cells walls.
Presently, I heard a shaky, rough voice shout “Let down your hair to me.”
I did the usual, and wondered what had happened to my mistress, as I had never heard her voice sound quite so husky. She must have been feeling kind today, as her pull on my hair was gentle. I felt no pain.
Instead of my tall mistress in black clothing whom I was expecting, stood an astounding handsome man. My heart skipped a beat as I took in his gorgeous features. His tanned skin, and perfect, straight nose. His large kind eyes of liquid brown. Like the lightest chocolate around.
“Alas!” he said to me “I was hoping to win you over with my looks, but I see you have beaten me to it.” His voice had a certain, lovely ring to it. I did not quite know what to say.
“Do you speak English?” He asked. His eyes were always on my face. I did not recognize his accent at all.
“Yes,” I managed. “Who are you?”
“I heard you singing that wonderful tune a few days back, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It has so deeply touched my heart that only today did I gain the courage to speak those words and climb up to you.”
“How did you come to be here? I have never heard anyone talk like you.”
“Here? In North Carolina? I say! Have you never heard of a tourist, dear?”
“I – I.” I stuttered. I did not know what to say.
“Hmm. How odd.” He rubbed his chin while examining me. “I have come from England. The hotel which I am staying in told me about a few places I might like to visit. This abandoned jail being one of them. Why are you here, child?”
Child… He might have looked older, but I was eighteen.
“I live here.” I stated. “And I really am not allowed any visitors”
He looked at me with an expression of sadness. “You must be telling lies! What beautiful girl like you would live in a jail cell and not be granted visitors?” So I was beautiful. I smiled.
“I can’t get out.” I thought of my mistress, and how much I hated her. “Could you help me?”
“Certainly, but I cannot get you down today as I need to get down myself by means of your hair. I will come back tomorrow with a plan. I am sure I will come up with something. If not, I shall ask one of my friends for help.” I felt jealous when he said the word friend.
“What is your name?” he asked, his lips pulling up at the corners.
“Rachel.” I answered. “And yours?”
He told me his name was Adam, and after that we talked for hours. I felt very comfortable with him. He slid down my golden hair at twilight; we had lost track of time. I went to sleep quite early, thinking of Adam and how I could eventually be rid of this place.
It was a silent night when her mistress came once more. Tugging on my hair, and pulling with all her might, as usual. I shouted, without deliberating on my words.
“Why do you pull with such force? Adam never hurt me when he came up.” And then I quivered as I realized what I had done.
“You treacherous child, I have given you everything!” She spit, slapping me across the face with such power that I fell to the ground.
I bit my lip hard enough that my pink lips turned red and I cried as she thrust me and beat me to the floor. I could not speak as she tied a woolen cloth tighter than necessary around my mouth. My hands were bound behind me, and I lay motionless on the floor. Then she grabbed a pair of scissors and began to cut lengths and lengths of hair till I was almost bald.
“That teaches you. As for your friend…”
I shook in my place like a fish out of water, or a person having a fit, fumbling with the ropes at my back, but all the knots held good and tight. I only slightly loosened them, but not enough to free my hands.
“Rachel, it is I, Adam. Are you awake?”
“Yes!” The witch giggled in a voice quite like mine and then sneered at me. Grabbing the mountainous pile of hair, she let it down, tying it to the railing in a large, round knot.
It was silent; all that could be heard was Adam’s sighing, as he panted up the hair. My eyes glistened and tears spilled when his face came into view. Though my fingers were sore and bled, I had finally managed to loosen the rope enough to free my hands. I tugged at the cloth and shouted.
“Adam, let go!”
His face was frightful as his eyes darted to the witch.
“You fools.” She said to both of us.
It all happened very quickly then.
First, I saw Adam let go of his grip on my hair, and fall down, into the thorns below the jail cell. After, I was up against the wall, her hands at my throat, chocking me to death. Though she did not kill me, she did ruin my voice. It was all part of her plan, I figured. Adam would not recognize me without my hair, and I could not prove to him who I was without the singing voice which he obviously fell in love with.
Piece 2
The town outside of the shop window was nothing special. Every day was the same in the poor, provincial town. Who knew a small-town-nothing-but-country-and-farms could be so incredibly boring?
I began my trek home in disappointment, the book shop held no book that I had not read already. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gaston, the town ‘hunk’, who happens to be crazy about me. French name, southern accent. Very humorous.
“Hey, Southern Belle!” He called, using the worst possible nickname pun.
Sighing, I turned around to meet him. “How about it? How about today?”
I didn’t even have to ask what it was. Marriage. “No, Gaston, not today - not ever.”
Not letting him get another word in, I ran home to Papa. Inside, I found a note addressed to me. It read:
I just wanted to let you know that my wood-chopping invention finally worked! I’m off to the fair before it breaks again. I’ll be home in three days - I promise. And don’t worry - even a country boy’s got some street smarts.
Love you always,
Laughing, I knew he’d be fine. Or at least, I thought he would be. Looking back, I guess it was foolish of me to expect him to manage safely in a big city - the only one he’d ever been to.
The call came four days after he had left - up until then I thought that maybe he’d just stopped overnight somewhere and that was why he wasn’t home.
“Belle,” His frantic voice met me before I could even say ‘hello’. “Belle, listen to me. I’m in a mansion, held prisoner, somewhere near Phoenix-”
“Papa! Where at in Phoenix? I’ll come-”
“No, Belle. You mustn’t come looking for me. I’m old and I’ve lived my life. I just wanted to say goodbye, for now. I love you so much.”
“Papa…I-I love you -” Before I could finish the line went dead.
After that I knew what I had to do. It wasn’t too hard to guess where the mansion was - there was only one between Oklahoma and Phoenix.
And so I set out to rescue my father. With no plan of how to do so, and no idea who might be holding him prisoner, I felt as if I was walking onto a battlefield blindfolded. But there was no other way, I knew I couldn’t let my father just sit in a cell with some stranger.
Days passed as I drove through the winding country roads. Finally I escaped the depressing setting of the green cornfields and dirt roads and entered into a whole new world. Before the desert of Arizona, there’s a compromise between city and desert. It didn’t take long to discover the brick house on top of the hill, isolated and closed off from the rest of the town by a huge wrought iron gate.
I stopped in front of it and got out of my car. The wind whipped at my brown hair, forcing sections of it to sting at my face. Standing there, I contemplated how to possibly get inside. There was no key pad to buzz up to the house, nor was there a guard standing on duty. Having no better option, I simply pushed the doors. Lo and behold they both swung open without protest. Shrugging, I got back into the car, driving the mile-long driveway up the hill.
There, I was again faced with another door. Again, I decided to just try to open it. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Even in my small, safe town we never dared leave our doors unlocked. This man must not have much common sense. That or he welcomed threats, intruders, and mass murderers.
Inside, the grand house was dark and cold. Most of all, silent.
My footsteps echoed through the whole, bare, house. Somewhere in the distance I heard a faint, scuffling noise. And perhaps very, very, very hushed whispers of voices.
Knowing better than to call out, I kept walking. A few moments later I finally discovered a lit floor lamp. Odd, I thought, but decided to turn in the direction of the lamp. On a side table next to the lamp, sat a digital alarm clock, which I also found quite strange due to the fact that the rest of the room was covered with gray sheets, as if the master of the house had long moved. Except one other object. A single ray of light from the outside world shone in this room, and it kissed the single, withering rose in a vase, covered by glass.
Almost entranced, as if by some outside force, I began walking to the flower. As my hands reached out for the glass, a hand suddenly struck me, sending me to the ground, away from the rose. Looking up, I saw the assaulter’s face illuminated in the light ray.
My hand rose to my mouth in astonishment as I took in the appearance of him. He had long, brown hair, cascading down past his shoulders. His height was towering, standing, I guessed, near six and a half feet. Hair coated his arms so thickly you could hardly tell his skin color. Vibrant blues eyes glared at me with fury.
“What are you doing here?” He growled.
Hoping my voice was strong, I said, “I came to rescue my father. You’ve taken him hostage.”
“Ahh, the old man,” He nearly scoffed. “Why wouldn’t you just leave h-” Something made him pause, and suddenly his face turned soft as he glanced at me once more. “You-you would do that?”
“He’s my father. I can’t very well just leave him here, can I?”
“Might I ask how old you are?”
“Twenty-five. And yourself?” I couldn’t understand why he changed the conversation point, but perhaps it was better to talk about this.
“Thirty-five.” He allowed himself to smile. “Would you be willing to take your father’s place here…?” He struggled for a name.
“Belle,” I supplied him.
“If it means my father’s freedom, then yes…”
“Braxton.” He provided.
Braxton bid me to come with him, and so I did. He led me through the winding halls, finally landing in the room where my father was.
“Papa!” I yelled, running to him.
“Belle! I told you not to come!” He embraced me and whispered so low I could barely hear, “He’s a monster. We must get out of here.”
I couldn’t reply to him, couldn’t tell him what I had done, what I had agreed to, so I just shook my head and held him tighter.
“Mr. Petre,” Braxton began, “you are free to go. Your daughter has agreed to take your place.”
Days went by, with each passing hour I missed Papa more and more. But I couldn’t regret my decision to replace him. And besides, Braxton wasn’t all that bad. He had given me the library, after I saved his life from a coyote that made its way onto the property. I also soon realized that the mansion was enchanted. The lamp, alarm clock, and coffee pot were especially welcoming to me.
“Belle,” He whispered softly as we sat on the couch together in the newly uncovered room with the lamp and alarm clock. I had turned on some new show on ABC family. “I need to tell you something.” When I gave no other reply than turning off the TV and looking at him, he proceeded. “I was put under a horrible spell, my house along with me. I was made to appear animal-like for the sake of me not seeing inner beauty. God knows I don’t care about appearances now. And if I do not find love by the time that last rose petal falls, we will all be trapped like this forever.”
At the time, I wasn’t sure how to react to that. And to tell you the truth, I’m still not. It was only when I found myself lying beside Braxton as his breathing slowed and I could already see his body atrophying that I came to realize the answer.
Memories of our time filled my mind. Playing in the snow together, dancing in the ball room as if in child’s book, and promising him I would never leave - even if given my freedom. How could I have denied my feelings for so long? He had made his apparent by his very nature.
“I cannot deny you anymore,” I sobbed into his chest. “I love you.”
His body was wrapped in a blanket of light and I wondered for but a moment if the Angels had come to take him from me. But then I realized his body changing. His long hair shortened to rest lazily at his chin, his eyes softened, his arms became less shaggy. And, his face changed…I’m not sure how, but it changed. It was more…loving that before.
Coming to his feet, he pulled me with him. “You’ve broken the spell, Belle.” He picked me up by my waist and swung me around. “I love you, too, by the way.”
Braxton raked a hand through my hair, placing another hand at the small of my back. Drawing me into him, my lips met his with such a fiery passion, I swear it set off fireworks.
But perhaps that’s just me. And perhaps it’s only because I finally realized how to respond to his statement about the spell.
To love completely, you must love someone for who they are. Not what they are.
Posted by Hanna at 1:58 PM 7 comments